Huge change in my life coming :(

My divorce was literally finalized just yesterday. We were seperated for a year or so before that. I found it went awful in the beginning just being all pissed off and such, but after a little bit, I realized I was always going to be better off without. Unfortunately my kids are 1 and 3 years old, so memory-wise neither of them will know what it was like to live with both parents. I keep things very civil with their mom and it works well with 50/50. Whenever they ask about her, I tell them she's at work, or at mommy's house. We tried a small seperation but it was clear she wasn't going to fix herself in this case. At least she tried it. I should hope if the two of you CAN be happy and make it work, it will work, but if not that you are at least both happy eventually.

I found with being civil and friendly everything has worked out fine, and my kids are happy. The important thing to know is you're not letting your kids down. My dad lived with my mom for 25 years and was unhappy for about 20 of those years. I remember all of the arguing and fighting and junk and it did not make me, or my siblings happy. If both you, and the mom are happy, the kids will eventually be happy as well we would hope. That's what my dad told me, and I feel it's true. I don't talk trash about their mom, because no matter what she did to me, she did not do it to them, and she is their mom and they love her regardless of how she treated me. She also does not talk trash about me, and just speaks nicely of me and my current girlfriend, so I hope it works out cleanly and civil for you as well.