Are prices way down on classic muscle right now?

i guess the older i get the more intrigued i am with human nature!?? i think enjoying working on these are cars is something that is in your genes or its not. and i don't necessarily mean if you were born a talented gearhead. a guy a few things back up, looks at his $$ spent on his car and knows those are $$ spent on his hobby which he loves. all worth the cost, i they said, $$ spent on a hobby is supposed to be returned back to you!?? i understand where we like to sometimes sell a car we have spent hours of work on and bundles of $$ on, we would like to sell it and get some of that back. i do too. but one thing i have found is a great satisfaction selling a car to someone that loves the car as i did, appreciates all the work and $$ i put in it. i get totally p o to sell Joe Blow the car for far less than what i had in it, to later see him, and all he does is complain because a thermostat went out and he thought i had replaced that TOO!
one thing i wish i could do is catch the "newbie" and explain to him some of what i call pitfalls. before he falls victim to them, but i have also found alot of us have to learn things the hard way!!??
those of us that have been in this hobby for decades can tell you. years back ( money wise), no one cared about 318 challengers, there was NO such thing as a clone, we all threw away /6 as fast as they showed up, 340 71 dusters , well ya had to almost pay someone to come get the thing!!! LOL but TRUE!
i will end my conversation here now by saying i think the lower prices are great for the hobby as ( in previous price cycles) it get rid of the wealthy investor for a large part, i have nothin against rich people if they get in the hobby for the love of it and not just to see if they can buy low and sell sky high!! HEY, maybe i'll meet one of those mega buck car guys and he will adpot me as his "grandpa" and BUY me a new set of tools ( and a M code A body)!!?????????????????