Dusty's Demise

My dear friends, thank you for your comments and concerns. Yes, luckily, no one was hurt. Just my heart, after putting so much work into her, although, she still needed tons! But, it was my first car, and my baby, and I loved her to pieces...literally. ;-)

67Dart273, you asked if the cats were related...no. But they were best friends, as you can see. The orange one, Bobcat, was about 16 when he passed on five years ago, and Frank, was 8, when he left us this last year. When Bob was ten, we took him out to the SPCA, and let him choose for himself a 'brother' or 'sister'. There were five kittens in cages where we took him, and I just put him down in the hallway. He passed up the first two without giving them the time of day and went directly to Franklin's cage and started licking him through the bars. That's how we knew which was going to be the new addition to our family. They were extremely close and never did anything apart, except when I took Bob out for his morning walks. Yes, he enjoyed walking on a leash around town and got mad at me if I skipped a morning, even if it was raining!! Unfortunately, they are both gone, but we have some great memories.

Dartnut, I do have some photos and will try to post some today or tomorrow.

Grassy, I would love to have another Duster, but, even before the accident, I hadn't been driving for about three years, which is why my husband was driving that night. I am an epileptic, and I refuse to drive unless I've been totally seizure free for at least a year. When I got the car, it was the first time I'd been seizure free for over a year ever in my life and I got my doctors okay to drive. I was seizure free for about six years, until the drug store started feeding me a generic of the drug I was taking and that was my downfall. Even when I tried to go back to the real stuff, I couldn't get it to work for me as well, so I hung my keys. I have always wanted a project car and a friend happened to have this one sitting in his front yard for quite a while. So, if I do drive again, I'd definitely look for another one. But, right now, my health and my business have been put up on top. I'm just grateful to have a husband and friends willing to drive me everywhere I need to go, and to live somewhere that I can walk most anywhere if needed.

Again, I thank you all for your support and friendship and I'll get some photos posted of the car...within the next day or two. xoxo