Let there be.........TRAILER WENCH LOL

LOL. I feel bad I never got it painted and really done. When I bought it, I thought an estate from my parents would give me enough to move out of town. THAT is a long story, but my health is bad enough now, that a move is not appealing, nor upkeep on a rural place.

The original had a Pintoed pushrod engine that looked like it had been heaved in there by a couple of guys, a reject from Junyard Wars. It now has a Toyota 20R and 4 speed against the factory 3 speed. HEI module with Toy breakerless distributor.

A photo of the mess when I got it home

Under that steenkeeng pile of smouldering mess is a Pintoed 4 whanger and whatever kind of automatic Ford used in 'em.

Middle of the project

I did use it some LOL