Need help with 73 duster heater fan problems

I can now swear it, but I believe 72--73 are the same. I don't have access to a 73, but you can download the 72 manual here. 74 saw many changes. The posted diagram is 72. This is page 24-52 from the AC / heater section of the manual

Actually, you don't NEED a diagram.

1...Just move the switch to high, key on, and verify that it works properly in high

2...Move the switch to medium, and probe the connector for power. Only one cavity will have power. Run a jumper from that cavity to the other two, and one of them should cause the motor to run......again.....on high.

3...Same thing for slow

If your wiring is same as below, jumpering light green to dark green should give you medium

jumpering black to dark green should give you fan in low

I've going here by the switch side of the connector because it's easier to see.