Concrete sealer

Curious if the epoxy those of you have used is expensive? I know of a guy that had his done by someone and it was thousands of dollars for his shop. It's about 60' X 30' I would guess.

I used the stuff you get from Lowes. (65.00 per kit) 5 kits did it With extra for touch ups on a 30x40. It came with the flakes and all. It has lasted since 2003 till now but it has issues with stains from harsh chemicals I used and that purple PVC cleaner does not come out ever! it will chip if you drop heavy stuff on it, but normal tool drops and stuff won't hurt it at all.
these pictures were the only time you could see the floor:D I filled it up right away. I moved all my stuff from my old garage in Michigan(45 years accumulation) Now I'm in the process of insulating it and re-organizing the garage.It'll get re-coated in sections and coated with clear that has grit added near the doorways and walkways to get to the work office.

View attachment my Garage yeah!! 021.jpg

View attachment my Garage yeah!! 022.jpg
it has since grown 11 x 40 for the office and storage area and I wanted bigger but couldn't afford it for a total of 41 x 40 (those areas will get expoxied as I remove stuff from that area and get it back into the main garage after it's insulated and dry-walled.) dang it's a lot of stuff to move!

PREP is the key in new or old concrete. bad prep bad experience. I worked a guy that skimped on prep,saying it would be good. NOT! re-doing it from scratch is a #$%@$Bear!
On my newly added on portion. the concrete was an outside slab(8 years) that had been poured in anticipation of expansion I will have to use(lots of it) muratic acid to prep it instead of the stuff that came in the kit. tree sap and other goodies just don't come off easy. I still have my trusty old pushbroom that i used for the original floor, of course the bristles are a lot shorter now from the acids, but it should last for the new part of the floor after I insulate the rest of the garage.