The Bullying Experiment

I for one was a Big and strong being I worked on a farm.. There was one guy that wanted to have the girl I was dating so he would just harass the hell out of me. I would walk away and not say a word..He approached me one day and I turned to him and said why are you such an ***?? He didnt like that much, as I headed up the stairs to the second floor he followed me.. He kept saying come on right now.. I turned and said right now?, He said yeah...I said to him your not real bright are you?? He went to grab for me and I kicked him in the chest and he tumbled down the stairs, jumped up came back at me..I said you are a bright one aren't you?? kick him again only harder this time he layed at the bottom of the stairs just groaning...Later in the day we saw each other and he just looked at me. He never bothered me again...He turned out to be a pretty nice guy... After a few fights in school and proving yourself people just dont mess with you anymore...I wasn't a bully but my size and the *** kickings I did,(not by choice) made people afraid of me and I was the one that broke up alot of fights in school.. Most of the time after it was known that I did they would see me coming and just stop and say I dont want any trouble with you man... I told my boys get tough or die..Parent need to let kids realize life is not mommy being there to protect them..What happens when they get in the real world??? I see it at work this one guy in his mid 30s if things dont go his way he crys and runs to management..Im talking real crying tears and all....It is pitiful and funny...Bill:goodman: