Who here has high blood pressure?

Me three. I'm lucky. I'm way better off, so far, for my age than my Dad, who fought a combination of a rolling snowball of blood pressure, hypertension, Lupus, and medication interactions which one time endangered his life, and constantly kept his life in a state of uproar.

If all that wasn't bad enough, "the guy" who bought out his business screwed him, causing lots of worry and anxiety.

Exercise while you can. My arthritic / osteo problems are much worse, and I'm losing mobility. Couple of years ago I rode a recumbent trike, and not long before that I rode a trike with hand cranks. This all helps, and it also helps your outlook, getting "out in the air" so to speak

My first home built recumbent. Rode the crap out of that thing until my legs / knees got worse. I built this out of junk back around 2000. Rode it for about 3 years I think.

My first trike. As I got worse, I added hand cranks to help my legs (and get my arms going) and for while, had the ***--end of a 2 stroke gas scooter. Here you can see the same thing off the rear, only electric. there's a lever to swing it down if I need a boost. The trouble with the hand cranks is there's no place to put brakes / shifters.

My present trike, but I didn't ride much last year, I'm regressing for the worse. I bought this because it's "underseat" steering, and I intended to convert the handlebars to a sort of ratchet / rowing deal. Hasn't happened, "yet." I also added electric help, the battery box hanging below the basket

May not look, from these, that I've changed much in more than 10 years, but I've got more of a gut, and feel a lot weaker. I have no stamina at all, anymore.