68-9 Barracuda Fastback rear window trim

I sent a front (and rear) set of fastback trim 1000 miles for $23 shipping and that was inside of a 1" X 2" wooden box frame screwed together with 1" X 2" cross braces to protect the stainless. That price included $500 insurance. I would think it wouldn't be more than 5 times that but then again I've never sent anything that far. Give the Aussie a break, they're good guys and they love their Mopars. You gotta package it anyway unless you're selling it locally.
Quickbp, I know how you feel, I still have a boxed up 360 Mag truck exhaust manifold a guy backed out of after I packed it and got the shipping cost. It's still packed up and ready for the next buyer so I haven't lost anything.


I have gotten prices and ship stuff around the world...There is No-way this trim packaged properly will be only $115. 2 Years ago I sent a 68 Coronet decklid moulding in a carpet tube and it cost $120 to ship it to Australia...It's around the world NOT 1,000 miles...
I also sell alot of parts locally(sold to quite a few local members)
I have no problems with the Aussie guys and I sell alot to them at Carlisle.
Heck most guys in the states do not want to pay $25-30 to ship it here in the US!