dropped 50lbs. 40 more to go.

Well in Nov. 2013 i got on the scale and weighed in at 297lbs. i am only 30 yrs old. i was pretty disgusted with myself. i decided to get my fat lazy *** back into the gym. I started my lifting/cardio regimen on Nov. 3rd. I go 6 nights a week. lift weights 4 of the 6 nights and do my 1 1/2hr cardio every night. i have dropped a total of 54lbs as of 1/10/14. got another 40lbs to go. looking to get down to my goal weight of 200lbs. that will be nearly 100lb drop. pretty stoked for the E.T. drop at the strip too.

me right before started working out.

Me this morning. (sorry for partial male nudity)

loosing the weight is prob one of the most difficult things i have ever done. will post more pics when im down to my fight weight. lol