dropped 50lbs. 40 more to go.

How did you change your eating?

I am trying my best to loose fat and not loose all my muscle mass with it. i have always been a bigger/stronger guy.

I eat a ton of protein. like 200g or more a day. i stopped eating all empty calories. example; soda pop, sports drinks, juice, sweets.

i havnt touched fast food in 2 months.

normal diet for the day.


1 greek yogurt
1 banana/apple/orange

mid morning snack:

either protein bar or shake


Largest meal of the day, usually some sort of meat, baked chicken breast, fish or lean beef.

steamed veggies

1 cup brown rice

Mid afternoon snack,

protein bar or beef jerky or some low calorie high protein snack

pre gym snack. i hit gym at about 6:30

either a protein shake or bar

After gym; tons of water, small meal with meat and veggie.