Gas gauge not working? I think I fixed it.

I drove the car today, started out at about 3/4 tank. I drove maybe 40-45 miles and when I got home the gauge read almost empty. I got under the car and measured the resistance on the sending unit. It was right at about 26 ohms.

Back to the test bench. I used the spare fuel gauge I had. Again, I can not change the value of the resistance in the gauge or sending unit. The only thing I can change is the voltage. Near as I can tell, my gauge should have an input voltage 8.0 VDC

Very interesting as I had bought a 8 vdc regulator and then went back to the store to get the 6vdc regulator. I am not ready to pull the cluster again. So I plan to wait for the variable voltage regulators I ordered from China (for $1.15 each including shipping) to get here. Then I can adjust the voltage easier to dial it in.
If and when I do get it dialed in, at least so it reads empty when it is empty, I will take detailed pictures and draw up some schematics and post them.

How does that sound? :banghead::banghead: