
2 days ago - POR-15'd my suspension's moving parts.

Yesterday - Picked up my powder coated K frame, got the bushings pressed into the upper and lower control arms and had the upper ball joints installed. Then I did some touch up paint work on those parts that needed it plus brushed some onto the bushing sleeves.

Here's the main suspension parts laid out.

Today - K-frame installed (yippee!) Would have gone further but even after doing some more cleaning in the area where all the suspension bits connect, I decided it still looked like crap up in there. So, I busted out the VHT epoxy and turned this....

...into this...

Tomorrow will be nice weather. I'll finish putting the suspension together and spray some more black into the wheel wells. I kinda ran out of paint but I managed to do the areas where I'll be working so it's all good.

Not looking forward to repacking the grease in the front wheel bearings but...gots to be done.