learning how to use my first-ever smart phone

I've had a number of iPhones ever since they came out. I use it for personal use, and business use, and it allows me to not be tied to the office, or my desk. I love it.

It's my phone, my camera, my mobile computer, my note pad, my alarm clock, my calendar, my mp3 player, my GPS, my radio, even my check book, and can be your entrainment center, your news paper, you can even read books on it. It's even my guitar tuner. I travel a lot, and it makes my life so much easier, and streamlined.

I'm not sure why anyone would resist the conveniences of one. It's a tool, like anything else. You use it as much or as little as you need. YOU make that determination. I'm not on 24/7 like many kids and young people are, but, it does allow me so many conveniences that I once had to take time from my day to do, I can now do in my own good time. It actually make me more productive, as I can now use mt "down time" to free up my off hours.

You have to follow certain safety and rules of proper Etiquette. For example, I don't "surf the web" while in the presence of others who are there for the purpose of visitation I don't ignore them for texting or surfing, and, unless it's a personal call from my family, or a scheduled business call, for which I will excuse myself,and leave the are, normally don't accept calls while conducting business face to face.
I turn the phone off when in church, movie theaters, and other public places. I don't text while driving, and if I have to initiate or receive a phone call while driving, I do it by hands free voice commands.

Congrats on the new phone Memike. Just remember that you are in charge of the phone, and while people can contact you directly 24/7, you DON'T have to be available 24/7. That's something you can control. Be smart with your smart phone, most people aren't.