copper vs pvc compressor lines?

Do the math, you can put a 3/4" black iron set up together pretty cheap when compared to an injury. I would take the 120 inch pipe and cut it in to 40 inch sections since Lowes offers the service free. Based off that it would take 3 Tees per 120 inches of pipe. $22.85 plus tax for approximately 125 inches of air line. If you can't afford all the air hose connectors at once a black iron pipe plug is $1.33 plus tax. The nice thing is you can start on the system and add to it as you have the money. If you happen to have access to a 3/4 inch pipe threader and have access to a wholesale outlet that sells to plumbers you should be able to save a lot on the pipe. My cost for a 20 joint is about 18.00.