Anyone running a th400 in their a body?

Ok, to stay on track, here are a few pics of the underside of my car to show what I did to get a 4L80 to fit. I think the 80 is a little wider than the 400, so this may not be totally representative of what needs to be done to get a 400 in. Also, I had header and exhaust issues due to running the 4L80, a "B" block with headers designed for and "RB" and the raised exhaust ports on the RPM heads. All these things put together required a lot more cutting that you might otherwise need to do as well as some pretty extensive header modification, but maybe it'll give you an idea of what to expect. Sometimes these things can snowball a bit. A lot of what needed to be done wasn't planned for and discovered while mocking stuff up, but when all's said and done, I'd do it all again.

Sorry! For some reason my pictures won't upload. I don't know if it's my files or a problem with the site. I'll try again tomorrow.