Tribute versus Clone



Green Bearing thread connoisseur
May 24, 2009
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OK, I'll bite.

WTF is a "tribute" car, and how the hell is, for example, a Road Runner "Tribute Car" built on a Satellite any different than a clone?

By definition: TrIbute:
a : a payment by one ruler or nation to another in acknowledgment of submission or as the price of protection; also : the tax levied for such a payment No, the theoretical car in question is not this.
b (1) : an excessive tax, rental, or tariff imposed by a government, sovereign, lord, or landlord (2) : an exorbitant charge levied by a person or group having the power of coercion Not this either
c : the liability to pay tributeNope
a : something given or contributed voluntarily as due or deserved; especially : a gift or service showing respect, gratitude, or affection <a floral tribute> Maybe
b : something (as material evidence or a formal attestation) that indicates the worth, virtue, or effectiveness of the one in question <the design is a tribute to his ingenuity> Maybe

So, by the second definition, a "Road Runner" built from a Satellite is....Not a clone? It's not 2a, a gift. Is it 2b, an indication of the value of a real Road Runner, somehow?

Does it have to have murals of Road Runners in various iterations painted all over it? I don't get it. Those guys on that chopper show were always building "Tribute Bikes" to NY firefighters and whatnot, and they were at least legitimate tributes because the motorcycle paid visual homage to the things we associate with firefighters, but it was still a motorcycle.

Does a Dart covered in Road Runner emblems count as a Road Runner "tribute car"? How about a Satellite that looks one hell of a lot like a Road Runner?

Can someone answer this?

Tribute car.


To me: Clone. It doesn't visually pay homage to Road Runners, but it does copy them in appearance when it's actually something else; like a Satellite.
They are both imitations of "the real thing".
Ever seen a tribute band?
Clone is a misnomer from a scientific perspecitve.
Think DNA.
A clone, in biology is a real whatever.......
A cloned car is not a real.........
There will always be one thing not correct.
The VIN.
But it's become part of the language.
And sounds cool.
I would those who spend money on a clone/tribute to have date coded parts is wasting their money. How this would raise the value of the car is beyond me. It still is a clone/fake/tribute.

I have no problems building a clone, heck I am thinking about it myself. If it looks factory, it's close enough. Build a clone to drive it!
Heres how I classify the difference.

A tribute is if I put a nose cone and a wing spoiler and all the other pieces on a road runner and drive it around and show it but dont clame it to be a superbird.

A clone is if I did the same thing as above and used the fender tag, vin plate and matching numbers drivetrain from a superbird, build the car how the superbirds build sheet said it left the factory and sold my illegal car on ebay/craigslist/fabo/barret jackson passing it off as a legit superbird.
IMO, tribute is a word owners use because they see clone as a negative term.
I think both terms are is like having 340 call outs when you only have a 318... reminds me of a line in a song.."she ain't pretty, she just looks that way....". both sound pretty fake to me however, it is your car...

I don't think it adds any value to a car...
Good point about both Tribute Bands and swapping VIN's and all that. Personally, I think seeing more Road Runners would be a good thing for the hobbie, since seeing them as a kid ALWAYS stuck with me and later help lead me to Mopar's, but to call it a tribute....not so sure on that.

Clone by definition:
1. A cell, group of cells, or organism that is descended from and genetically identical to a single common ancestor, such as a bacterial colony whose members arose from a single original cell. N/A

2. An organism descended asexually from a single ancestor, such as a plant produced by layering or a polyp produced by budding. N/A
3. A DNA sequence, such as a gene, that is transferred from one organism to another and replicated by genetic engineering techniques. N/A
4. One that copies or closely resembles another, as in appearance or function: "filled with business-school clones in gray and blue suits" (Michael M. Thomas). Hey.....

v. cloned, clon·ing, clones To make multiple identical copies of (a DNA sequence). N/A
2. To create or propagate (an organism) from a clone cell: clone a sheep.
3. To reproduce or propagate asexually: clone a plant variety.
4. To produce a copy of; imitate closely Ahem....
a : something given or contributed voluntarily as due or deserved; especially : a gift or service showing respect, gratitude, or affection.

I'm currently building a tribute '56 Plymouth Fury from a mixture of Belvedere and Fury body parts, but it will be modernized and stylized throughout, and will be different enough to never be confused with a real Fury. There were only a few over 4,000 first year Furys built and I want to keep the history alive and visible by driving it, something I'd be hesitant to do with the real car.

My '64 Valiant convertible has some Signet trim that I like, but the badges still say 200.

I favor a car that emulates a more desirable model without trying to pass it off as an original, which some clone builders attempt to do. But, as was the grand scheme of things, who, besides the builder, really cares?
They are both relative terms and are used to soften the use of"factory".It is only original once you can put all the AMD panels you want on it or you can use a completely separate body but neither will be "factory original".It is more commonly used to degrade someone else's car-but not "yours"!!!
I remember a couple of years ago on the BJ auctions, some of the "recreations" brought more than the real deals. I was quite surprised.
And to say that taking a /6 or 318 Satellite and dropping a 383 and all the other goodies of a RR wouldn't "add value"? Damn, I thought that when I put the 318 in my /6 Duster I added something...
Heres how I classify the difference.

A clone is if I did the same thing as above and used the fender tag, vin plate and matching numbers drivetrain from a superbird, build the car how the superbirds build sheet said it left the factory and sold my illegal car on ebay/craigslist/fabo/barret jackson passing it off as a legit superbird.

No that is a rebody vs a clone that is made to look exactly like the real one but without the vin number and not being passed as real.

"IMO, tribute is a word owners use because they see clone as a negative term."

And "recreation" also but all mean the same thing -
Who gives a crap?

People who get ripped off because they don't do their homework, for one.

Me for another. Survivor/clone/tribute all belong on that long list of words that people use but don't grasp what they mean. I'd like to bring a little clarity to the situation.

Do you have anything significant to contribute, or are you just here to raise your post count?
/6Matt what you call a clone is the definition of a rebodied car.........

And I do not see a 69 Satellite that is limegreen a 1970 color a clone either.A clone must be correct in color,engine size,etc.You can not clone a 69 Super Bee and put a 318 in it and paint it painther pink and call it a clone.
I think it is good to discuss it - to the point of understanding that these words will always mean different things to different people. I would certainly rather see one of these words in a sales add to give me a caution flag not to bid as if it were 'the real thing' and do more homework of what the car really is (which you should always do anyway). Or even at a show so I don't feel I have been 'lied to' when I see a nice car from a distance and find out on a closer look that it is 'faked'. If it says 'clone' or 'tribute' it just tells you they are not trying to pass it off for something it isn't.

As for the precise definitions - very similar to a recent discussion on 'survivors'. Unless you are using the trademarked 'SURVIVOR®', the definition will vary.
At one time they were called custom cars who really cares except the purist as long as the truth is told when they are sold.
At one time they were called custom cars who really cares except the purist as long as the truth is told when they are sold.

This ^ "Custom" :glasses7:

I call my '74 a "71 Clone", but that's just a generalization to explain why it looks like a 71. The only thing that achieves "Clone" Status on it, is the fact that it has a 71 Grille, Side Markers & Tail Lights. The rest of it is "WTF?!" or "Custom" The term Frankenstein also works well. :D
My " `cuda" I just call a street machine. It is not a real `cuda or a true clone, it just has some `cuda parts added like hood and rallye dash but doesn`t have any `cuda emblems or correct paint and stripes.