Gunfight Rules

If he would have had it on him they would probably still be alive today.

And this is why gun control laws are out of control. Years ago in Idaho, there was no legal way to conceal carry, practically speaking. You either had to become a criminal to protect yourself, or risk this very sort of thing. I have to have a Utah non resident permit because WA state won't accomodate Idaho permits. There is no legal way into Oregon, unless you get an OR permit, and there IS no legal way for CA.

I once pulled down on a guy in CA, completely COMPLETELY illegal on my part. This was in the early 70's in the San Diego area.

"Back then" the girls used to "hide" their boyfriends so I knew this. Some "chick" was hitchhiking, and I thought I was paying attention. He started way ahead of me, came up from the ditch or an abutment from behind the right rear quarter.....blind spot.

She opens the door, gets the seat forward, and I turned around and there he was, crawling through into the rear seat with a big duffel bag and a knife. I have no idea what his intentions were and I didn't ask

I had my 357....which I still have to this day, down beside the door drop by the seat. Swung my left arm up and over and the next thing he knows, he's lookin' down the largest hole he's ever seen in his life.

When he backed out, I just threw it in gear and took off. the door slammed from inertia. After I was 1/2 mile or so down the road, I threw his bag out and beat feet.