Door hinge plate thing?

When my rear driver's side door hinge collapsed into the door, it left a hole, which i now have someone willing to do a repair for free for me (at least so the door opens and closes for now) and fab up a surround for the plate to go onto.

I need the little plate thing that the hinge bolted to that has threads in it, and then that part kind of clipped into the door or something? It's hard to tell. I'm hoping someone knows what I'm talking about. Here's a photo of what's left. I have the hinge, I just need the plate that was where this hole is...

I am hoping someone has one they would give for free, but if I gotta pay, I'll pay. I don't know if this is a 4 door specific piece or what, but if no one has one I'm assuming we'll have to figure something else out. It's just getting harder to put my son in the car on the opposite side all the time now.