Fusible Links

No, you need more fuse than the alternator is going to put out. And, it depends on where the link is. The "whole thing is" the original links were a VERY poor deal and did not always protect the wiring!!!!! So comparing "what you should do" with "what was original" is basing your thoughts on poor design

In the 70's "some chick" ran into the rear of my 70 RR and I got a loaner, a beater of a Valiant slant. One morning leaving work, the alternator stopped, causing the belt to slip. It turned out that A DIODE HAD come loose and fallen inside, stopping the alternator. The diode SHORTED causing the entire ignition harness to melt together into a smoking, smelly, slithering black mass of plastic and copper, and THEN...........pphhhhhshssssssshshshshshsttttttt ..... tttt went the link!!!!!