low/no charging

I am reading. Problem is understanding.. Could some of you post a pic of the wiring? That would really help understanding your guide. I don't have the factory voltage regulator, only the stuff mounted on the back of my alternator.

WE don't need to post photos of the wiring because WE don't know what YOU have. I already told you............what you posted APPEARS to be a PowerMaster or other aftermarket alternator with regulator mounted on the rear of the alternator.

And, I already told you how to test it.

LOOK at the two brushes. LOOK at them. SEE what is connected. DISCONNECT whatever it is. Now you have nothing at all hooked to the two brushes

Assemble back into the car.

GROUND one of the two brushes Does not matter which

Hook a clip lead to the remaining brush. Hook the other end of the clip lead to battery............the big stud on the starter relay This should cause the alternator to go to "full output" Some people call this "full fielding" meaning you are applying "full" field current from the battery

This should cause maximum output as RPM goes up. If not you have a bad alternator

If it charges, you have a bad regulator.