Don't run with knives.....

Just, what in the Hell, was my eyes just looking at? THAT has no idea what "it" even is, besides, INSANE..... I thought for a long- long time, I was crazy.......turns out, I'm more "normal" then I actually EVER gave my self credit for!

AND, I'll add here, I got NO tats, NO piercing, and have no reason to have, (I thought to get a tat a few times, but.. never did........

I do have, long hair (I'm a big 80's metal head) tho...... but that's ALL I have for "personalizing" myself, and THAT is easy changed, with what to me is an inexpensive procedure.........THAT I can do myself, AT home, and no money spent, CUT MY HAIR!

That on the other hand would be the excess of 10 grand later! IF it stops at 10 thousand dollars................

Guys, really? Whats wrong with the world these days to drive someone to do stupid **** like that, to themselves.....?????

I don't get it.... and please, I don't want to either!