Throttle return spring and bracket

I think that feature is to protect us folks from getting e-mails month/years after the post,,

while someone's wading thru the archives, after drinking a coupla six-packs.. lol
Forum rules above state only paying ( Gold ) members are allowed to post their e-mail address within the post. It is a push to get more people signed up as paying members has nothing to do with protection, anyway thats what I have a spam folder for.

If I paid every site I visit money I wouldnt have money to work on my vehicles, not that I dont appreciate the sites cause without them I would have a much more difficult time. A thanks is all I can offer.

Regardless another member was kind enough to practically give me the requested parts, I had this same add placed on a few different sites but somehow forgot to up-date this one. Parts no longer needed. Thanks