1969 Dart Street/Strip (Re)Build

Thanks to the warmish weather, got to do some painting. The dash, roll cage, steering column, and water pump are painted. The dash I went with John Deere Blitz Black. It turned out nice with a slightly sating sheen and was just what I was going for. The roll cage I painted with VHT Roll Bar and Chassis paint. It was not as glossy as I had hoped it would be. Maybe I didn't do it correctly? Temp not high enough? Who knows. Ordered an IDIDIT universal shorty tilt column with a Grant billet adapter for the steering wheel. When I first had it mocked in placed, I thought it stuck out too far. So I put the seat in and boy was I wrong! It was in the perfect position for me. Not too far away but not too close. And with the tilt, getting in and out will be nice as well as adjusting for driving. The hardest part was thinking how to mount it with coming up with some crazy mod. So I ended up sacrificing my old column and cut the mounting tabs from it. Turns out the section I cut out fit perfect on the new column! Hey I guess the sun shines on a dog's a$$ every now and then huh? It's starting to feel like things are starting to go my way for once.