No Mas

As a triangular number, 153 is the sum of the first 17 integers, and is also the sum of the first five positive factorials: 1+2+3+4+5
The number 153 is also a hexagonal number, and a truncated triangle number, meaning that 1, 15, and 153 are all triangle numbers.
The distinct prime factors of 153 add up to 20, and so do the ones of 154, hence the two form a Ruth-Aaron pair.
Since , it is a 3-narcissistic number, and it is also the smallest three-digit number which can be expressed as the sum of cubes of its digits.[2] Only five other numbers can be expressed as the sum of the cubes of their digits: 0, 1, 370, 371 and 407.[3] It is also a Friedman number, since 153 = 3 × 51, and a Harshad number in base 10, being divisible by the sum of its own digits.


The page number that the students in the class that George W. Bush was visiting on 9/11/2001 opened to in order to read the story "The Pet Goat" (Lesson 60 on page 153).


Australian rules footballer Scott Hodges had a SANFL season goal kicking record of 153 in 1990
NFL quarterback Roger Staubach threw 153 touchdowns in his career from 1956–1971
The Los Angeles Dodgers hit 153 home runs in 2006[21]


United States[edit]

Alabama State Route 153
Arizona State Route 153 (former)
Arkansas Highway 153
California State Route 153
Connecticut Route 153
Georgia State Route 153
Illinois Route 153
K-153 (Kansas highway)
Kentucky Route 153
Louisiana Highway 153
Maine State Route 153
M-153 (Michigan highway)
Missouri Route 153
Nevada State Route 153 (former)
New Hampshire Route 153
New Jersey Route 153 (former)
New Mexico State Road 153
New York State Route 153
North Carolina Highway 153
Ohio State Route 153
Oklahoma State Highway 153
Oregon Route 153
Pennsylvania Route 153
South Carolina Highway 153
South Dakota Highway 153
Tennessee State Route 153
Texas State Highway 153
Utah State Route 153
Vermont Route 153
Virginia State Route 153
Washington State Route 153
Wisconsin Highway 153
Wyoming Highway 153

Arizona State Route 153 was a state highway in Maricopa County in Phoenix, Arizona
Connecticut Route 153 runs from Westbrook to Essex
K-153, part of a western bypass in McPherson, Kansas
M-153, also known as Ford Road, is a state trunkline highway that runs from Ann Arbor to Detroit in Michigan
Missouri Route 153 runs from U.S. Route 60 Kennett
New York State Route 153 runs from Penfield to Perinton
Ohio State Route 153 runs from Canton to Homeworth
Oklahoma State Highway 153 in Love County
Oregon Route 153 runs from Bellevue to Hopewell
Virginia Route 153 runs from U.S. Route 460 to U.S. Route 360
Wisconsin Highway 153 runs from Spencer to Tigerton
Quebec Route 153 runs from Yamachiche to Lac-aux-Sables
Route 153 in Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada runs between Tignish and Alberton
National Route 153 is a national highway of Japan connecting Higashi-ku, Nagoya and Shiojiri, Nagano in Japan
Malaysia Federal Route 153
British Rail Class 153 is a single-car diesel multiple unit train
Caledonian Airways Flight 153 from Douala International Airport, Douala, Cameroon crashed on March 4, 1962
The Peugeot Type 153 car, produced between 1913 and 1925
Yemenia Flight 626 Carrying 153 passengers crashes in Indian Ocean on Monday, June 29, 2009
153rd Street station on Metra's SouthWest Service in Orland Park, Illinois

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