
sort of....Our roads are self maintained. We have a "road association" that my neighbor is President of. Jim has asked me if I would donate some time and work on the trees. Part of this is I agreed to haul the wood, all Ponderosa Pine, home and burn it.
Property owners have a yearly voluntary donation, this is to cover the cost of snow removal, grading and gravel.
Anyhow, the other day this couple stopped and asked me if I could drop the wood off on there lot, as they think they will be getting free firewood. They also mentioned that they will use it when they burn there trash....these folks are freeloading scammers. They tried to scam the owner of a house they were renting into signing the deed of the property over to them, but it did not happen. He claims to be Native American.....then he claims to be of Scottish decent and is wearing a kilt. The other day his wife had on the same style clothing as alot of the local Russian woman wear.
Back to the dilemma...I told them I would cull out anything large enough to burn as fire wood....just to get rid of them the other day. But I am thinking that I really need to get the OK of my neighbor before giving it to them....they do not contribute any funds to the road association....and I feel that by me giving them the wood for heat they are profiting from both my labor and the road association....which the sole purpose of it is to maintain the roads....not provide heat for folks...
If they contributed to the road association I might feel a bit differently...