Electric Fuel Pump Shuts Motor Off

Try a different pump....

Nope. This is called "throwing parts" at a problem. It's expensive, time consuming, and sometimes, doesn't even fix the problem.

I'm leaning towards Redfish.........a wiring problem that is robbing current from ignition

There's only so many things can go wrong.

1....Might be something wrong in the pump. Unless the pump (motor) started magically running backwards, I don't see a pump flowing LESS when running

2....Might be a wiring problem killing ignition power

3....Might be stuck needle and seat

I can't see no1 so leave it for last

No3......Seems to me if it were flooding you would KNOW it. You could smell fuel, the engine would be "dogging down" and hard to start again after flooding.

No2. Easy to check. Why is this taking so long, LOL? Just "rig" a test light or multimeter to the ignition power and SEE what the joltage is doing