Dart Vinyl Top And Trim

Make alignment marks on the center, measure distance to each seam and spray a letter T on the roof in adhesive. Fill the corners of the letter T at the center, put the top down and squeedgee the top from the front leading edge at the center, to the back and continue to apply adhesive as you squeedgee further back.

Don't be afraid to get the heat gun out for the C pillars. Let it stretch the line on the roof to the C pillars and pull them out as you pull down.

This will leave the lower window area tight like a guitar string. put adhesive in the middle down there and squeedgee from the center, add glue from the center as you go, out to each C pillar lower edge, then come forward at the bottom front edge of the C pillar.

Then, pull up on your edges at the top to get the drip rails, front facing and rear facing edge by the glass openings pull them down and roll the sides down into the drip rails with your choice of roller tool. screen window strip tools work good. You will have to cut some material from the top from the rear window area, front and side areas to get good fitment. Don't cut it all for final trim until it's pulled and glued all the way. You need some material to pull on.

Do the A pillars last.