Gas gauge not working? I think I fixed it.

I probably have a good 40 hours or more working on this modification. I restarted from scratch 3 or more times because my approach was not working.
I never hid the fact that I was working on this modification, I was asked more than a few times if I would post my mod I said I would when I found the answer and when it worked.
So as a courtesy to the other members on the board, I post the modification for everyone to see and copy if they wish. Only to have people claim my mod can not work, that they found the fix first, or they have a better way. They never have anything to back it up.
Kit you may be a designer, I was/am an electrical engineer. I was the one who always was called to the customers site to make the equipment work the way the designers promised it would.
As I said before, when I start out to fix a problem, I either fix it or die. whichever comes first.
Contrary to popular belief, electronics is not a precise art. Tolerances are usually very liberal.

So if I get a little testy when challenged, now you know why