An FYI to Friends and PSC Customers ...

You are apparantly well loved...2021 is 7 yrs worth...hope now you get your money for jobs already done,times are tough,just this morning I had to fry my sock now my left foot is cold...lmao...all my car stuff is on hold for now due to economics and lack of funds,gotta eat and the electic bill never stops even when you do and they will take your last dollar and ask for more,being in business for yourself isnt at all what its cracked up to be,it's tough, got to hussle all the time and costs go up and profits go down and when the money aint coming in faster than it goes out you can get way behind and in a bind real quik and it's hard to get out of the hole,very frustrating,but keep your head up keep plugging away and eventually something will break and get better,Jan is a tough month for everyone unless your a politician...or a crack dealer..dont know which is actually sent your way for prosperity and relief..