1973 "poverty" Duster with rubber floors - what kind of floor mats?

Putting a floor mat on what essentially is a big floor mat seems a little redundant....

Or I guess you can put a floor mat over the rubber floor to keep it from wearing..

Hey, that just triggered a thought. Since most people put a rubber floor mat on a carpet covered floor, you can put carpet floor mats on a rubber floor car.... LOL!

The good thing about the rubber floor (vs a carpet) is you can clean the interior with a garden hose!!!

But seriously folks....

Yes, I have seen floor mats similar to that where the two front ones are connected together. However, If I remember correctly, if one of them got crooked, then it would cause the other side to go crooked. And I believe that sometimes the rubber "connector" part in the middle would sometimes buckle or not fit the hump right. Maybe the floor hump was either 4 speed or automatic, and the floor mats were opposite.