8000 posts. I'm taking a vacation

I left your who deleted my thread thread. Come back and check it out. It's a clear the air thing. Not normal protocol here but I made an exception for an outstanding long time member.

A wonderful move for an wonderful core member!! THIS is exactly the kind of support that we need around here in my opinion, and it's absolutely well deserved. Daredevil Pete, I applaud you for not only your courage but most especially for being willing to stand up for the members of the site for the benefit of the greater good as a form of education ... and not sweep the detritus under the rug and hope nobody had the chance to read it (as it usually seems to happen).

In America the First Amendment allows free speech whether it's all sunshine and roses or just the opposite -- and "clearing the air" of that particular stench is very, very long overdue. It should come with a free sample of Febreze. :-D

And to Mike ... my friend, my loyal customer and my favorite tool man in the whole wide world :prayer: ... I hope the break is temporary but is long enough for you to realize what an important part of FABO and the Mopar hobby that you've become over the years. This place wouldn't be the same without you.

But it'll be a whole lot better without a few others .........