Making molds of a part or 2

I just couldn't wait to test it out and looked around for something to do. I found an old acrylic window that was laying around and unused and loaded it up into the former. well I learned a few things about the former by doing that
1. it shows EVERY flaw in the mold! (and I need to fix em.)
2. thin plastic STINKS!
3. damn it's fast.
4. I forgot how much acrylic shrank and almost destroyed the mold getting it off.:banghead:
5. darn sure didn't make enough slope in the speaker hole pocket.
6. I need to learn how to CUT the plastic:oops:
7. the side edges need to be sloped also.
8. speaker fit good and didn't hit the metal wall.
9. I need to make the flat part of the kick panel CURVED to go over the wire hanger I have for the convertible top, tail light,gas gauge wire ect. wires . it didn't make any difference when it was just hardboard since that bent in order to clear the brackets and wires. plastic doesn't bend a so well.

all in all I'm pleased with my very first try using junk plastic. the thicker ABS will work a lot better and be easier to cut and form. as for the flaws I'm working on them now. and hope to have the final (maybe) kickpanel done by monday when the 1/8th ABS arrives!
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