Possible dumb question about AC-DC

If you use a single diode you use the current flowing one way and the current flowing the other is not used (not consumed), if you use a bridge rectifier ( 4 diodes ) the sine wave is folded back on itself and you get to use it all as DC.

This is what I was wondering that lead me to ask the question in the first place (is the negative part of the AC wasted/grounded or used)
Thanks, now I want to chk into the sine wave and bridge rectifier deal, even though I can picture what you are saying and it makes sense.

It depends on what quantity of AC we are talking about to say whether anything is "lost". Power = (current) x (voltage drop) at any instant (whether AC or DC). So when a diode stops current flow, there is no power delivered, used, or wasted. Anyway, the alternator is a more clever design with multiple generating coils and 6 diodes, so current is always flowing out thru one of the diodes. The alternator (tries) to generate 3-phase AC power and the diodes force it to flow out on a single lead as a fairly steady DC current.

What many people don't know (I know TrailBeast does) is that the alternator output is always connected to the battery (key doesn't turn it off). You totally rely on the 3 output diodes in the alternator blocking reverse current flow while the car is off. If they leak too much, your battery can slowly discharge. Of course they always leak to some extent, as do all semi-conductors, so might drain down the battery after a year.

Right, and what you said that I highlighted in blue was my original thought and question.
But I seem to have a hard time with that theory because I tend to think that there is no positive without negative (no power without a ground) so it seems that the ground side of the AC HAS to be wasted for it to produce positive DC voltage. (I don't think wasted is the right word)

So in the bridge rectifier system the negative is transormed to positive by the "folding" of the wave, so what happens to the negative when the wave "folds"
See why I'm stuck there?

Is that also a function of the bridge recifier (to swap positive and negative as the wave folds?
That would make sense.