Strange (FACTORY) Holes in Trunk Lid

They are about 1/4" (maybe a little less) in diameter. My car has no rust anywhere so it can't be rust holes. They are perfectly cut (punched holes) exactly the same distance from the center of the trunk. If they are factory condensation holes it makes no sense. Why would the factory deliberately put holes in the trunk so that exhaust could get sucked into the car and make customers complain. Every car made like this would cause every car (barracuda) to smell like exhaust after driving around for a while. Everyone who bought a car like this would keep taking it back to the dealer with a complaint of exhaust smells in the car. It makes no sense. I appreciate all the comments but somebody must know what these are for. If I plug them (like I have) then the trunk will eventually rust out (no way for moisture/water to escape) . If I leave them open then I small exhaust.
