Traffic Court WTD? Updated post #35

ok I've been to traffic court here in MD and in VA and I'm gonna tell you something. if you don't listen to anything else please heed this.

whatever you do, do NOT speak disparagingly about the police officer in court. as soon as you do that the judge will give you full fine full points or even more.

I saw a guy one day in court he was getting angrier and angrier because the judge wouldn't accept his explanation. he says "well that cop is just a fukkin ashole."

judge's gavel came down boom he says "double fine double points get out of my courtroom or i'll have you locked up."

guy started to talk and the baliff was in his face lol. herded him out before he said something and got in trouble

the judges highly respect police for the job they do.

your best bet is just to say "I was goin along with the flow of traffic watching the cars more than looking at my speedometer"