727 poly engine transmission

we only cared about the trans Interchange. So what if this happens to be an A body site? The gentleman asked a question. I could mention even more engines, but why? Yes I had a Chrysler 303 55' and yes the newer trans works, sorry. I/ve only owned them for 40 years. my nephew recently put a 71'340 in a 60' dodge truck using the had the original 318 and four speed. He used the original bell housing and flywheel. Clear as day, maybe you should work on presenting a little more civil post.

If I seem a bit 'uncivil', then it comes from seeing so much bogus info on the web that gets passed as fact...as to the engine info you present, in oem form it simply never happened... The 303 was a Canadian PLYMOUTH engine, same as the 313. No, the post 62 trans is not a direct bolt up, it requires an adapter. These are the facts, not some memory from high-school.

And if the question was only regarding the trans then why did you clutter the thread with such bogus info?
Yes, many of the pre-62 engines swap around quite nicely, but don't pretend that they came from the factory that way and confuse folks.