wrenching on your car in crappy weather

Replaced wheel bearings on a 63 chevy II on the sholder of an interstate highway, inner race of outer bearing galled and seized to spindle! All I had to remove it was a broken hacksaw blade, so I work away at it with my backside 24 inches from the white line as cars and trucks go flying past. Luckly the rece had gotten hot enough to take all the temper out of it and I could cut it, (took about 2.5 hours) then realized I had no grease for reassembly! Put it together and half filled it with motor oil, drove it home, tore it down and inspected it, cleaned it up and packed it with grease and all was fine!

on an other occasion my wife (who had never driven on ice before) slid into a curb and bent the entire left front suspension on the same car. She backed up from the curb and the wheel stood back up in the wheel well, then she drove it about a block into a grocery store parking lot. (did I say there was a lot of ice on the ground?) I went and looked at the damage then went to the salvage yard on the transit bus, bought the entire assembly, rode the bus back to the car. (with the drum/spindle/tie rod/shock/upper control arm/lower control arm and strut rod over my shoulder) I jacked the car up and blocked it up with the rim and some wood while my wife went and got some cardboard boxes to put on the 4" of ice under the car. by the time we finished there was a 2-3" layer of cardboard frozen down but the car was drivable. Man was that cold work!!!