Which engine is Cooler?

i like the thought of a new HEMI engine in an old Mopper, but unless its all hopped up, it is too quiet and smooth to be the coolest. Nothing like an old school engine (big or small block) IMHO....the look, the sound, the smells.......Of course you get more HP out of a stock new Hemi than a stock old school engine. So I guess it depends on what ya want. At some point I know I want to pump up the power in my 72 Barracuda , currently running a 318......I can spend $7k on a 408 with 450 HP or about the same or more for a new HEMI....The HEMI would run smoother and be more "predictable" I guess....but the 408 keeps popping into my head....LOL
lol there's a girl in town here with a furious fishing challenger that has headers and flowmaster exhaust with no cats that says your wrong about the hemi being quiet lol that's her only mods and she did the work herself! :O 8) and yes, she's pretty good looking for 45yo lol I'll get a video the next time I see her