Primered car, needs fixing, and then what.

Well I primered my Dart about 3 weeks ago. Seeing it was my first full paint job, of course it came out like crap. Im half blaming the harbor freight hvlp gun that I bought, that thing could pray a straight stream of paint! It would like spit. So there some runs here and there, and alot of what I believe is called "dry spray"? Some of the car is glossy smooth and then some of it has random texture of roughness.

I got some scratches that I take it were there before I sprayed I just didnt notice them.

Then I have an issue on certain spots where I was taking the car down to bare metal for 1 reason or another, and the smoothed the original paint down to 220 grit. Thinking it was a good surface to paint over. I painted over it and now you can see where there was bare metal meeting some of the original paint.

I have attached photos, and an example of what I mean by the metal and original paint meeting.

I would like to know how to fix these issues and then on whats next to get this body ready to lay down my Single Stage Urethane grey.

Also I got some runs and I must have hit dirt somewhere (painted it in my garage), because I got some specs of like dirt or dust on some parts of the car.

Also, I don't plan on using the harbor freight gun again, It didnt work for me. has anyone here used or tried the devilbliss starting line gun or finishline?