Primered car, needs fixing, and then what.

Yup, way more prep. And more practice.

I have a HF gun as well. Not the greatest, but you can get them to work pretty decent, especially for primer. The gun has adjustment screws that you can use to change the amount of paint your spraying. The key is to get the amount of paint you're putting down to match the speed at which you like to move when you paint. I shoot with the gun "wide open", ie, as much paint and air as it will spray, because I like to move pretty fast when I paint. Play with the adjuster screws until you're putting down a nice "wet" coat of paint at the speed you're moving. Looks like you put down a very "dry" coat, so you were moving too fast for the amount of paint you were spraying.

Also, "spitting" is often caused by water in the lines. If you don't have a water separator on your air line, that could be the problem. Even if you have one, but not a good one, you can still get water vapor in the air you're using, and that will definitely cause you headaches when you spray.