No matter how bad your job is

I could give two ***** about any of that crap- men wade in a sewage tank on the subs to clear the piping because someone flushed something they should not have (breaks the ketchup pump too)-all things I would rather do than be trapped in a work place filled with murderous rage because of mistreatment from tyrant superiors.

(i.e. locked up in a room with a few others-threatened as if guilty of murder {you are not going to see your families...}), accused of falsifying documents- and when the chain of command figured out it was the assistant weapons officer that did it and kept lying, the COC lies to our face and tries to put the **** back in the horse. and you cant quit, you can't fight, you can't even scream or yell - I did end up writing something that made the Captain (O-5) cry before us. To quote one officer onboard, "I would rather be a gay **** fluffer than an officer in the United States Naval Submarine force" -some times any job can suck.

I really wonder how the soldiers in the sand maintain their self-discipline when they are armed, when they work for dangerous, selfish fools.