Gas gauge calibration unit

Gil, Kudos to you for giving folks another option. I know when I get to that stage in my build I will have to do something, just wasn't sure what it was going to be. One of the issues with the existing mechanical IVR and I don't know about the solid state ones is the lack of meter dampening. It drives me nuts to see the fuel gauge bouncing up and down. As I recall my original 69 Dart Swinger 340 did that when it was new and I just chalked it up to the float bouncing up and down. When I did a ebay search the only device I saw was $52. When it comes time to start on the electrical, $52 dollars for a part the looks like the original, and is plug-n-play might be worth it as well might be the $30 dollar part that Bill refereed to. All of that said every thing I have read so far seems to indicate the device is just a 5 volt regulator. If that is the case, 5 volt regulators are available all day long for just a couple of dollars. That seems to do nothing as far as calibrating the high/low/mid point. I just retired after 30 years with Motorola and a strong technical background and while my hands might not be steady enough to hand solder the micro circuit paths use in today's modern circuits any more, I might well be able to handle a bread board device. I truly appreciate the thought and R&D you are putting in to this as well as giving us another option. I do like the idea of a low fuel warning light, it has become like a crutch to me. I look forward to reading more and have subscribed to this thread.

Keep up the good work.