Fresh 727 Street Strip Trans S.B. Wont Drive

Ive nearly had enough of this saga , Pulled the trans again because of the whine that I thought came fron The Edge Converter, Had the whole Trans pulled down again By another Trans Shop, He Checked everything clutch packs tolerences pump etc All was primo, He said he air tested it But How could he if there was no valve body in it ????, Then he said the fault was in the manual valve body, I had the Valve body stripped and cleaned as thats what I checked for blockage or restriction ,I had it laid out on my Bench in order, But it got mixed up then I threw it in a box and gave it to him , He said he could not put it together as All Manual Valve bodys are different and he wouldnt know how So He said he would put a standard valve body in, But I need to know if anyone has an internal assembly Diagram for the Cheetah 17156 Full manual reverse, Thanx