spray on chrome pros and cons

If you haven't seen it,, this Leno vid shows a cool "spray on chrome"..


hope it helps.

that's basically what spectra chrome , mira chrome is(webs site was down from Asla corps that makes mira chrome so it's probably been replaced by another process. or any other spray chroming process is. basically a silvering nitrate spray with tinning solution activators sprayed over a painted process. 1,2,3,4,5 layers thick think of the detail lost on the first 3 layers (4th and 5th are really thin)

what they don't show you is the pre process of sanding, priming and base coat BEFORE the spray on chrome. the better the black/white base coat the better the chrome surface. Thats where the money adds up to do a part. YEP, metal needs to be painted since none of the processes stick to metal so ya can't skip that process.