Flashing your lights to warn of speed trap is LEGAL FREE SPEECH!

Cops can stop you for nearly anything, these days.

My mom was stopped because a cop liked her car. She was kinda pissed, but let it slide.

Every ticket I've ever been given, I've taken to court and had it tossed.

I think it has to do with dumb luck. Good luck taking out bad.

The last time I was pulled over and cited, the cop asked if I knew why he pulled me over. I said no. He told me that one taillight on the truck I was driving was slightly different in color. I asked if they were both still red. He said yes. He then said that he didn't like that I had a keg of beer in the back and I looked suspicious.

I said that the keg was strapped down and I was sober and of age. He asked where I was taking it and after I told him that I was headed back to my house, I said he could stop by after work and have a beer, if he was thirsty. He said that if it weren't falling under a bribe situation, he'd be awful tempted after laughing. He still cited me, because my insurance card had worn out in my wallet and he couldn't get a number off of it that he needed to clear his computer, but was nice enough to give me the name of the D.A. to talk to, so I didn't have to show up to court to get it removed.