Flashing your lights to warn of speed trap is LEGAL FREE SPEECH!

I once went to a hardware store in Royal Oak, MI and there were parking meters in the parking lot. I pay for a half hour, and go in. Well, got to looking around a little more than I had planned (I love hardware stores & parts stores!). I end up running 10 - 15 minutes late, and when I come out, there it is, a parking ticket and the meter maid only 3 or 4 cars past me.

This sucks! Well, I keep spare change in my ashtray, so I took all of my quarters and jumped about 5 cars ahead of the meter maid and started putting a quarter in every expired meter. (They are supposed to be able to ticket you for doing this if you're caught...) Luckily she didn't catch me, and I saved about a dozen people a parking ticket.

Why isn't it legal to be a "good citizen" and help someone out?

But I also liked the fact that for every quarter that I spent, the city lost $10 fine. They hit my pocket book, so I hit theirs. (Not to mention a quarter investment for a ten dollar payout is good turnover).