More of my home made furniture.

that ad is actually shot in my house. lol. when me and the ex broke up she was nice enough to file a no contact order against me and had me police escorted out of the house i legally live in and pay all the bills for. well once i was outta the way she took everything she wanted or thought i would miss. so now i am building all new stuff in the style that i like. if the next one tries to take the furniture she can have it if she can lift it. lol

Don't get remarried again. :banghead:

Go to a bar and find a gorgeous woman that you can't stand. Have sex with her a few times, then give her your house. (It will end up that way anyhow, you will save on the wedding cost, and divorce fees, and may be able to keep some of your furniture and cars).... :goodman:

Did you hear that they found a food that cancels a woman's sex drive? It's called wedding cake.... :toothy1: