Flashing your lights to warn of speed trap is LEGAL FREE SPEECH!

I don't pull over for people who do that.... :finga:

That makes no sense. There are only three possible reasons for not yielding to a faster or more aggressive driver; ego, poor driving habits (ie:road hog), or just stupidity? None are very flattering, but, one is the obvious cause.

Actually, if you read your driver's manual, many states have a law that requires you to allow a car to pass. "Failure to yield" can get you a ticket. Besides that, it's simply courteous driving.

I usually drive at about 10 over the posted limit, on limited access highways, and rural roads, and about 5 miles over the limit elsewhere. I come across driver who refuse to yield, all the time. I will usually get around them eventually, and they're gone. Done, and out of my life. I don't let them upset me, but I do make sure my dash camera is on and recording their attempts to block me from passing, just in case anything happens.
It also records date and time (I'm looking at a dash camera set that has a GPS in it, and also records location and speed).

Also: Ever notice signs posted on the road side the read "Keep right except to pass", or "Slower traffic keep right"? These are signs that, when obeyed, will cause you to save yourself from a bruised ego, and possibly even a traffic accident, not to mention road rage from everyone around you.

It has nothing to do with "Right of way", either. In fact, when my kids were learning to drive, I used to tell them that when driving,"...there is no such thing as right of way, that's only a legal term, and does nothing to keep you safe or accident free. It merely assists in determining which party in an accident was more wrong".

I clock about 55,000 miles a year in driving tome, mostly in a pick up. I've found that when your in the position of having a faster, or more aggressive, driver who wishes to pass you, and to do so requires that you move to the next lane, at least momentarily, let him. What's the big deal?

Even your ego will get over it in just a few minutes, and, unless you are stupid enough to escalate the moment into something memorable, you probably wont even remember it happened by the time you get to where your going.