Flashing your lights to warn of speed trap is LEGAL FREE SPEECH!

That makes no sense. There are only three possible reasons for not yielding to a faster or more aggressive driver; ego, poor driving habits (ie:road hog), or just stupidity? None are very flattering, but, one is the obvious cause.

[/I]I clock about 55,000 miles a year in driving tome, mostly in a pick up. I've found that when your in the position of having a faster or more aggressive driver who wishes to pass you, and to do so requires that you move to the next lane, at least momentarily, let him. What's the big deal?

Even your ego will get over it in just a few minutes, and, unless you are stupid enough to escalate the moment into something memorable, you probably wont even remember it happened by the time you get to where your going.

It's ego.

If I'm driving the speed limit or 5 over in the left lane, and someone comes up behind me, I will pull over into the right lane as soon as it's clear. I do not speed up to accomodate these people. I have found that if I move over for them before passing the slow vehicle, then before you know it 3, 4, 5 or more cars get behind him and won't let you in. I finish what I need to accomplish in the left lane and then get over.

When on my trip to Detroit on I-94 east starting at mile 41 in the right lane, the road is worn and it creates a bad harmonic vibration on my suspension, so I then drive in the left lane until the right lane smooths out. If I see someone that I think will pass quickly, then I will let them by and then go back in the left lane until I am past that "rough stretch".

I also don't yield right of way to people with their hands next to their head talking on a cell phone. HANG UP AND PAY ATTENTION! If you are waiting to turn out of a parking lot, not talking on the cell phone, and have a signal on so I know were you are going; I will stop and let you in (especially if I'm waiting at a red light - it won't delay me). If I see that you are talking on the cell phone, then I won't let you in. If you pull up behind me and I see you talking on the cell phone in my rearview mirror, I won't pull over, just stay in my lane at the same speed until you go around me. Too many of these idiots are too busy talking, they keep following behind me for miles even if it is clear to go around. PROOF that they are not paying attention to what's happening around them! They are clueless. My grandfather had a good saying that fits these people - "Wake up and die right!" And he died long before cell phones.

I don't like to talk on my cell while driving. It is a distraction. I know that I can't pay attention as well when I'm talking on the cell, than when I'm not. Especially with my hand up to my ear creating a blind spot. And for the times that I may have to talk, I have a blue tooth radio that I can use my cell phone hands free, but I do still like to keep it short for the distraction issue. I don't appreciate other drivers talking on the phone putting me at risk. You see it all the time about people getting killed running off the road while talking or especially texting. They are more dangerous than drunk drivers. At least the drunk is looking through beer goggles, the cell phone user is not even looking!

I do get a kick out of the guys that lean when talking on the cell phone. Why can't they just sit straight up and then put the phone to their ear? No, they have to lean over to the side that they are holding the phone up on. They lean toward the center of the car while talking with their right hands. Most of them don't even realize it.

Now if you are arrogant enough to come up behind me, ride my @ss and flash your lights; then I stay in that lane maintaining my same speed until you can get a chance to get around me. (I won't try to change lanes to block you) What makes YOU so special that I have to move out of YOUR way? You don't own the road, and I'm not obliged to let you by to keep speeding and endangering others.... If you just come up behind me and keep a safe following distance and not flash the brights, I will pull over as soon as I am passed the obstacles that I am passing.

Also, when I am in the left lane, and a truck signals to move in front of me, I will even hit my brakes and slow down until the back of their truck is clear of me and then flash my brights twice to signal them that it's ok to move over. As soon as they get by the slower vehicle in the right lane, they will move back over and let me by. I respect the truckers, they are trying to make their living. Those things are huge and difficult to handle, especially with a-holes in cars trying to speed by them if they think the truck will change lanes. The truckers don't appreciate those guys either, they make it more difficult for them to drive. That's one reason that I prefer to take road trips at night. It's usually me and the truckers with a few cars passing once in a while. I get along with the truckers. My friend from high school's dad was a trucker. He taught me some routes to save me some time. Truckers are no different from us, they just have to drive those big machines to make a living, cut them a little slack and let them in if you can. They are just keeping a roof over their heads and food on the table for their families just like anyone else.

I've logged close to the amount of miles that you have. My first 98 pickup truck, I drove it from 72k to 92k before getting t-boned, had it 1 1/2 years. Replaced it with another identical truck and drove it from 90k to 117k in 1 1/2 years. Picked up an Impala with 50k and it now is at 114k in 2 1/2 years. I had a Grand Prix that I bought with 155k to 192k in 3 years. Also drive a Buick Century from 90k to 138k, owning it for 3 years.
That is only five of my cars and a little over 3 years of driving. I've driven over 1000 miles in under 24 hours on some of my road trips. I've averaged around 50k miles for the last few years myself.